Yamaki's Community Ragnarok Online Blog

Sunday, November 14, 2004

'The Wanderer' - Review chapters 8-15.

Chapters 8-15 are another "bland" set of chapters.

Mostly what goes on here is Sophie and Cody (Oh, and the other cousin Brian) are taught some stuff about boats, and boat lingo, and some fishing techniques. Sophie shivers at the first experience of cutting of a fish's head (eww, I would shiver too!), and Cody keeps up making stupid names for things that have real names.

The only other thing that really happens is that Sophie tells an interesting story that Bompie (the grandpa) had told her. It goes something like this (shortened):

Bompie's family didn't have a car, so Bompie got an offer for a car one day, and he went to pick up the new car. When he was driving it back, he had to get across a river. (I think it was storming.) So he drove the car into the river and the car flipped over and sunk. He rushed to get out, gout out, and ran home.

I hope I got that right.



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